Monday, August 2, 2010

Rustic Robot, Missing Artwork!

Alright, alright. I'll admit that I've gotten inexcusably behind in keeping my blog and fan page updated with the shiny new works of art that I've been creating. But perhaps you can forgive me, as the reason I've been so busy is that I've been selling so much art! This painty lady can't complain.

The only downside to the speedy turnover is that I have failed to document a couple of pieces which are now off *somewhere* in the universe, perhaps never to be seen again (by me). Unless of course the physical world doesn't cease to exist in 2012, I become an artist of great clout worldwide, and then all of my works are collected by the Guggenheim for a retrospective show. Yeah, I'll see them then.

This piece above was painted at Rustic Robot IV, July 24th 2010. You can see that I am nowhere near finished painting it here, and I really hope that SOMEONE captured the finished image because (da da daaaah) it was STOLEN following the end of the festival! It's really disappointing, because the five works of art that were created were meant to be auctioned off to fundraise for next year's event. Two are missing. Mine was taken, as was Eswin's (a beautiful sorrowful looking sad blue moth creature, surrounded by dark sky and mushrooms). Report to me if you come across any pirated art work! We would really like to have them back.

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